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  1. Barb

    Love this!!! You are so beautiful doll! I hate that I didn’t get to give you a big hug before you left but best of luck to your new job and please keep in touch!!

    That quote was so inspiring…it was sort of a “ughhh I suck at life” kind of quote but very inspiring for me to try to do better everyday!

  2. Jessica Doll

    I love your little “rant”. I feel like there is so much pressure to be perfect all the time.

    P.S. Those pants look so good on you!

  3. Lindsay & Whitney

    Such a great post, thank you for sharing!



  4. Brenda

    I love what you have to say today! Really makes me think! I love this blog and the fashions you bring to us! Keep it up!

  5. Brittany Buie

    Amanda, this post hit more than close to home. I always find myself at war with wanting more and more. At the end of the day, you have to be humble and thankful for the things you have. Remembering how much bigger the world is outside of this little world we confine ourselves in. Also, LOVE YOUR HAIR! Oh my goodness, gorgeous!


  6. Kimberly

    Love you A!

    1. Amanda Miller

      love you too K!

  7. Brooke Webb

    Love your new cut and this outfit is gorgeous too!

    And YES, there are so many times where I make myself stop and remember what is truly important in life. With two small children and a young family, it is an easy reminder that the material things do not matter at the end of the day…what matters for me is my family and I want them to remember me as a loving, caring, fun, involved Mom. Great post, thanks for sharing.

    Brooke | KBStyled

    1. Amanda Miller

      awh that is such a great thing to have and cherish Brooke! And I am SURE they will remember you that way!!! You are the sweetest! xoxo Amanda

  8. Katey

    Wonderful post Amanda! I always love reading what you write. Keeping things in perspective is so important.

  9. Carrie

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote! Whoa!
    This is a really great post to remind us all that material things aren’t the most important and to just be who we are!
    Thanks, Amanda!
    CS Gems

  10. Brooke Ellen

    Amanda, I loved reading this post! And I am right there with you girly! I struggle with that whole like ‘blogger’ persona and it really takes courage and strength to say hey that isn’t me this is and share it out there and I applaud you!
    Thank you for sharing this rant with us it was refreshing and I loved reading it! You are beautiful on the inside and out!


    1. Amanda Miller

      thank you so much Brooke! Blogging is such a competitive world and I am so glad I have you girls to share these struggles with! <3

  11. Karen

    LOVE your shorter hair – you look gorgeous!! And that hat – love!! xx, Karen // Glam Karen

  12. Sophia

    Loved reading this Amanda! I’m sure so many of us girls can relate to this. I constantly struggle with wanting to share my new purchases on social media and then coming off as materialistic and without any depth. I think the important thing is to have a healthy balance and you clearly display that from this blogpost. Very glad Instagram introduced me to you and thank you for organizing those wonderful and complicated rafflecopters!

    1. Amanda Miller

      So understandable but you work really hard for what you have and so do I! Sometimes after an 60 hour week you have to splurge a little, right? My biggest thing is focuses too much on the stuff I’m buying myself and less on the stuff I’m doing for others 🙁

  13. Anna

    This might offically be my favorite look on you! I ADORE the pants! XO



I read a quote lately that really resonated with me, “If they world was blind, how many people would you impress?”-Boonaa Mohammed. Have you ever read a quote that actually makes you sad, because you read it and realize you could do better, or be better? Sometimes I get so wrapped up in this world and feel like I need so many material things and so much recognition that I lose sight of all of the important things.

I started blogging because I love fashion and I love sharing my interests with others. I can sit with someone for 30 minutes and when they leave they feel like they know me. I have always been an open book. This blog is the book I am writing to anyone who wants to read it. That is why I love your comments so much, because then it really feels like we are having a conversation! Sometimes I forget why I do this and it becomes something material. It becomes all about competition, who has the most followers, etc. That isn’t why I blog!!

Do you get like this with your life? Do you get lost in all the material things in the world and forget about the important things? Does it take a quote like that to pull you back on track? Do you think you do enough to impress people even if they were blind? The quote makes me realize I need to go to church more, start my charity work up again, and help more with this blog. What do you need to do to put yourself back on track?

I had a conversation with a blogging friend recently about photoshop. They were saying how they have to photoshop all of this stuff out because they hate that part of themselves. I don’t know if you know this, but I got in a pretty bad car accident when I was 15 and have scars all over my body. If you look at the picture above closely you can see the cuts on my arm. I also have them all over my legs. I promised you guys at the beginning that I will never use photoshop, and I will always stick to that promise. No one is perfect. We all have things we are insecure. I have learned to own my scars. Why don’t we all make a pact to try to love that one part of us we have always been insecure of for ONE WEEK! Just ONE WEEK. Can you do that? Can you forget about the outer beauty and focus on your inner beauty for that long? Can we agree to forget about all the material things and think about the things that are the most important to us, the things that can be seen by a blind eye? Then we can come back here after the week is over and talk about what changed within our lives!

Thank you for letting me rant about my life and the things I struggle with. I just started my blog and it has been a wild ride so far, but I am glad you are here to experience this roller coaster with me. <3


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The Outfit:


Shirt: Zara (sold, similar HERE)

Shoes: LOFT (on sale!)

Purse: Forever21 (sold out, obsessed with THIS one)

Hat: Saks Off Fifth (on sale!)

Bracelet: Kendra Scott

Earrings: Baublebar

Lipstick: NARS (Geraldine)

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XO Amanda
June 9, 2015 Articles

Inner Beauty

From the Gram


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