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  1. Jenna

    Just a little tip to improve tummy time – my 5 month old is in PT for neck muscle issues and the therapist has him looking in a mirror to extend his time on his tummy and it works a charm. At home, I sit with him during TT and turn my phone camera on and put it on reverse. He just stares at himself making faces. Sometimes I record it too which is cute to have and share with my mom. Hope that helps. 🙂

  2. Shaunda Necole

    She’s one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen! I always enjoy when Miller’s sweet little face comes across my feed!

  3. Jillian

    Love these updates! I have a three month old so it’s so great to hear what Miller is up to now, and what we have coming up! She sounds very similar to our baby, and we are also doing MOC (and patiently waiting for her to STTN!) she’s so adorable!


Make sure you are all caught up by reading Miller’s 4 MONTH UPDATE HERE. If you want an updated list of products and toys we are using right now, head to my BABY PRODUCTS page.

Miller Marie is five months old!

Dress (softest ever & on sale) I Bow I 5 Month Sign



Miller is sleeping through the night. She has been for about a month now. She goes down between 6:45-7:15 every night and wakes up between 6:45-7:15 am. You can ready my sleep training tips HERE if you haven’t yet!

She sleeps in a long sleeve onesie or footie with a sleepsack. My absolute favorite sleepsacks right now are from Marks & Spencer. They are soooo soft and easy/quick to get her in and out of!

They are 20% off of 4 right now so I would buy two for 0-6 and then 2 for 6-18.


My milk is baaackkk!!! I did a lot to get my supply back up and then I went to Mexico and pumped every three hours and I think they really helped as well. Now it is back up and Miller hasn’t fussed after a feed yet! I am still taking steps to ensure it stays up and I am making sure to include some good fats into my diet. I will do a blog post on this soon with everything I did to get my supply back up and everything I am eating now to maintain it.

I think it was a mix of these Liquid Gold Legendary Milk supplements and this lactation cookie recipe!


Miller is still on the same schedule. We will probably wait until next month to change it! As stated in the previous update, we tried Moms on Call’s 4-6 month schedule and it just didn’t work for her.

7am WAKE & EAT

Nap 8:30

10pm WAKE & EAT

Nap 11:30

1pm WAKE & EAT

2:30pm NAP

4:00pm WAKE & EAT

5:30 (this is what has changed. She hardly ever naps between 4-7 anymore)

from 6:30-7pm  we play or do tummy time or she watches us cook dinner or she gets a bath

7:00 Eat & GOES DOWN

It is some variation of this schedule. We let her tell us when she wants to sleep and I feed her when she wakes up!


1.She loves to stand up! She is so proud of herself when she stands. We have to hold her but she has gotten to where she can stand at the coffee table (while holding on) for about 10 seconds without assistance!

2.She wants to have something to suck on constantly. Everything goes to her mouth immediately. Oh and the constant drool is nonstop! She wears a drool bib during the day now. I tried to feel for teeth and nothing yet, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t teething.

3.She still HATES tummy time and we only get about 3-4 minutes into it before she screams. Her upper body strength is pretty weak still but has great lower body strength. I bet she walks before she crawls! Oh and she isn’t rolling over yet but rolls to her side nonstop and sleeps that way most of the night.

4. She is so long, but has a tiny waist so clothes don’t really fit properly! She has grown out of the 3-6 month lengthwise but 3-6 month pants can still sometimes be super big around her waist. She is almost as tall as her 1 yr old cousin Eile.

5. She is a giggle machine! She loves to laugh and once you get her going she doesn’t stop. It is the best sound in the world.

6. She is starting to cuddle more! Oh and she loves being held now! YAYYYYY

7. Miller is soooo smart. She can imitate so many things. If you stick your tongue out at her she will stick hers out right back atcha. She also loves blowing raspberries.

8. She likes to stand at the coffee table and pull everything on the coffee table down to the floor. She also grabs all of her toys from the toy drawer and drops them on the floor too! We had a pile of clothes on the coffee table the other day and she just loved reaching for the clothes and pulling them down on the ground!

9. She started saying baba but only a couple of times. We haven’t heard any other consonants yet.

10. Miller is still spitting up a lot! We give her reflux medicine in the morning and at night.

11. She got really bad drool rash from all of the spit and drool. We cleared it with cortisone and baby aquaphor and we are keeping it at bay with Honest Balm.

12. We can take her out to restaurants now and as long as she has one of her favorite teething toys to suck on she is a complete angel baby! We are so happy to be able to relax and enjoy dinners now while out!

13. When she is awake (when we aren’t holding her) we move her from her bouncer, to her chair, to her activity center, then to her playmat and then we start over again! She doesn’t really like being held a long time or being in a carrier unless we are constantly moving.

14. She is starting to really enjoy books! We read to her every morning and she has started reaching for things on the pages. I swear she tries to turn the page sometimes too!

15. She is OK with strangers holding her right now. I feel like a month ago she would cry if a stranger picked her up but now she is as cool as a cucumber.

16. Poor thing just gets smothered with kisses all day every day haha!

17. She is still drinking out of a 2 nipple (when Troy has to feed her) and she is still in a size 2 diaper. I will need to go up in both soon!

That’s all I can think of for now! She is about to start her FIFTH LEAP any day now so I am sure I will have so many new things to talk about next month!

xox Amanda

XO Amanda
April 8, 2019 Baby

Miller’s Five Month Update

From the Gram


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