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Summer is officially here and it’s time to make some summer snow cones together! Super fun, kid-friendly, and very summery. I love doing this as a family over the weekend, kids love it and so do adults (read on for an adult snow cone recipe!). The best part is that it’s so easy to make snow cones at home with the right machine, and you can pretty much find a machine at any price point. We have the Little Snowie Max Snow Cone Machine and we love it! Grab some cute cups, fun-colored straws, and some fruity flavors and you’re all set. 

Our Snow Cone Set-Up

Snow Cone Machine:

Little Snowie Max Snow Cone Machine 

If you’re planning on making a lot of snow cones this summer, or want something a little more fancy, this machine is what you’re looking for. It has 5 stars out of over 4k reviews (pretty crazy), is extremely fast, and comes with flavor powder sticks, mixing bottles with pour spouts, and reusable snow cone shovel spoons. You pretty much have it all!

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For a less expensive option: 

Hawaiian Shaved Ice Maker

This machine is perfect if you’re looking for something compact and simple. It is light, easy to use, and won’t take up too much space. This also has great reviews and is only $50!

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Snow Cone Syrup: 

Hawaiian Shaved Ice Syrup

This is the syrup we use for snow cones and we love it! It’s so easy to mix flavors and make new combinations. The only downside about snow cone syrup is it’s high in sugar, so I definitely want to try out this Sugar-Free Syrup that’s highly rated on Amazon!

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Not Just For the Kids

I love making snow cones with the kids during the summer, but snow cones aren’t just for the kiddos! Invite some friends over, and try out this adult snow cone recipe by Hawaiian Shaved Ice below!

Pina Colada Adult Snow Cones


16 oz. of Shaved Ice

5 oz. of Pina Colada Flavored Syrup – I like this one!

2 oz. of Rum

*Optional – pureed pineapple or pineapple chunks


Start my shaving about 8-ounces of ice into a fun glass or cup. Next, top the fluffy shaved ice with rum and about 3-ounces of pineapple syrup. Shave another 8-ounces to top off your cocktail and shape using a dome shaper, gloved hand or a ladle. Pour the rest of the syrup on the unflavored ice, then top it all off with *pureed pineapple or pineapple chunks and ENJOY!

Don’t forget to garnish your glass with a fresh slice of pineapple, an umbrella, a fun straw, or some colorful sugar!

I’m super excited for a snow cone summer! Find all of my snow cone making essentials below!

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XO Amanda
June 30, 2022 Family

Summer Snow Cones

From the Gram


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