It is time for baby number 2 and I cannot believe how many things we still need to get before he arrives! I assumed we had pretty much everything we needed since we already have one child, but when I sat down and wrote it all out the list got longer and longer.
We registered for baby #1, Miller, at Buy Buy Baby and we had the most amazing experience. I love the gift bag you receive when you register, the 15% completion coupon you get once your shower has passed to help you buy the rest of the things you need off your registry, and I especially love the Baby Registry Checklist.
The Baby Registry Checklist on helped tremendously with both babies. You can go down the checklist as you register online and it helps you think of items you would have NEVER remembered or thought of! It covers everything you need for you! Once your registry is finished they also have an Analyzer that will let you know what you may have missed or what you may need more of.

See the full blog post and registry for Baby #1 (Miller) with Buy Buy Baby HERE.
Because of all of the wonderful things that made registering fun, easy, and painless, it only made sense to register at Buy Buy Baby again for baby #2!
10 Musts for Baby 2 Registry
*if you are having a different gender make sure to add clothing and such to this list!
Do you need a new stroller now to fit both babies? If you have an UPPAbaby Vista you can get a Rumble Seat and a converter in order to fit both babies on one stroller. A lot of other brands have this as well. Just find out what you need to make your current stroller fit two. If it isn’t an option, consider registering for a nice double stroller!
2. Booster Seat
You are probably using a high chair for your first baby. Instead of buying a second high chair, consider moving your first child to a booster seat. Miller LOVES her OXO booster seat! She feels like such a big girl sitting up at the counter or table with us.
3. Wireless Pump
If you are breastfeeding: it will be LITTLE harder to make time to pump when you have a toddler running around and a newborn baby. Instead, register for a wireless pump that you can wear in your bra as you clean or watch the kids throughout the day! I grabbed the Elvie Electric Pump and cannot wait to try it!
Almost everything in Miller’s nursery is now in her big girl room. Her crib is a 4-in-1 so it will convert to a toddler bed when she is ready. We had to get all new nursery furniture for baby #2 and you may need to as well! It is a great item to register for with baby 2!
We LOVE our Hatch Baby Rest sound machine that we have in Miller’s room so we made sure to register one for baby 2.
6. Portable Playard
This was one of YOUR recommendations! So genius! You will want somewhere to put the baby SAFELY so that your toddler cannot get a them when you are picking up around the house, preparing meals, etc! I went with the Evenflo Portable Playard because we are huge fans of the Evenflo brand.
One of our baby showers for Miller was ONLY a diaper shower and we are so glad we did it! We didn’t have to buy diapers for the longest time and it was SO NICE! Even if we only received diapers off our registry for baby 2 we would be so happy. We use Honest diapers and love that we can get them at Buy Buy Baby.
Make sure to register for a second camera for your baby monitor! If your current monitor cannot show two rooms/cameras at once then it is time to register for one that can.
Unfortunately when it rains it usually poors. If one of your kids gets sick it is likely the other will as well. Cold air humidifiers help so much when they have colds. You will need one for each room if they both feel icky at the same time.
10.The Item You Wished You Had Registered For the First Time!!

This may seem broad but you can probably think of the item in your head right now. For us it was the Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser and a Diaper Genie. I made sure to register for them both this time!
*We already had most of what we needed by registering for our first baby. If you want to see that registry head HERE.
Ideas for Zoom Baby Showers
-Have a fun box sent out before the zoom shower so that people can drink and snack and play games while you open everything. Someone said they sent mini champagne bottles with tags on them that said ‘pop when she pops!’ So cute!
-For games, I love the idea of asking the soon-to-be-grandmothers for baby pictures of the mama and her husband and have people on the zoom call try to guess who was who. You can even send out copies of the photos beforehand so they have them for the game.
-Create a bingo game (send out beforehand) for most popular items that people register for and have Starbucks e-gift cards ready to go for the winners!
-One couple sent out white baby onesies to their zoom guests and fabric markers so that everyone could design their own baby onesie during the call. Each onesie also came with a prepaid bag to send it back to the couple. So cute!
-Some people suggested a zoom sip n see after the baby came rather than a zoom baby shower. They thought people would rather see the nursery and baby than watch them open presents. Definitely something to think about!
-Price is right game where the couple holds up a photo of a popular registry item and people have to guess the price in the comments.
-Give people 60 seconds to run around the house and find items to create the best baby bump! Have an e-gift card ready for the winner!
-Have mom feed dad baby food and see how many he can guess right!
Ideas for Drive By Baby Showers
Most of you actually recommended to do a drive by shower and then do a zoom meeting so everyone can watch you open the gifts from home! Love that idea, especially since a couple of you said you opened each gift as the people were driving by and you were so wiped out by the end of it that you could hardly enjoy it!
-If you don’t want to do both, ask for presents to be brought UNWRAPPED so that you have more time to talk to your guest instead of spend most of the time unwrapping the gift. You can add it to the display right then so that everyone who comes can see what you received so far.
-A lot of people had a snow cone cart, ice cream truck, taco truck, etc for their guests! If you have a budget maybe consider renting something like this for the guests who pop by!
-Instead of a drive by shower, as people to sign up for food delivery (or food delivery gift cards) for post-baby.
-Send out a baby prediction game with the invitations and pass out cookies in the shape of a car (pink or blue) that say ITS A ___!
-Have yard games people can play and still be 6 ft apart (ring toss, corn hole, etc!)
I hope you found this post super helpful! Get started on your baby registry (whatever number this is your having) with Buy Buy Baby today! Even if you aren’t planning on a sprinkle, shower, etc you can at least take advantage of the 15% completion discount JUST BY making a registry at Buy Buy Baby!
Please comment below if you have any questions or any more items or ideas you would like to help other mamas who are reading this post!
*Thank you to Buy Buy Baby for gifting us these items above. All items were picked out by me using the Buy Buy Baby Checklist!
I would LOVE if you did a review of the Elvie once baby is here and you give it a try. I’m not due till February but am VERY interested in giving it a try and would love your opinion!
I definitely will!! xox A