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Here is a list of the items I think are most likely to sell out FIRST! You will want to add these to your wishlist so they are ready to put in your cart first thing in the morning 9:30am EST on the day you can shop to check out!

See all of my NSALE picks by category HERE.

Most Likely to Sell Out


The Doona carseat + stroller will be the first to go this year and the Uppababy stroller is also always a quick sellout (unfortunately, usually before it hits the public sale). I personally own both of these and can 100% recommend the DOONA over the Uppababy if you can only grab 1. We used the Doona every time we left the house until our babies grew out of it. The Uppababy would be something you would switch to once the baby grew out of the Doona (10-12 months depending on size of your baby).



These adidas tennis shoes hardly ever go on sale for this much so you may want to grab your size as fast as possible:


Here are two other sneakers I think will go fast. I buy a pair of these flyknit shoes every year (I have two pairs and Troy has 4-5!) The comfiest pull-on sneakers ever and so good for running.


There aren’t many great handbags this year, so because of that, I think these Rebecca Minkoff bags will go quickly because they are amazing!


These are the jeans I think will be the most popular.


Some of these are back from last year and sold out SUPER fast!


Pajamas always go super fast! Most of them go on MAJOR sale so you actually get them at a really good price.

Barefoot Dreams

I hate to say this because so many people are hoping to grab a barefoot dreams cardigan or blanket during the sale, but they will be one of the first things to go.


Here are some other random things that are sure to tell out and FAST! The Hydroflask bc it is the only thing like it on sale and it only comes in this color so it will get swooped up. I love that they come out with different colors each year. The wide-brim hat is sure to go bc it is the cutest from the sale and they just never have enough inventory for the need. And these two beauty sets are sure to go super fast too just due to popularity of the colors and the brands.

I could always be wrong on any of these!! These are just my professional guesses. I know they are some of my favorites from the sale and I know they are all super popular right now!

I hope you get your hands on what you want this year!

See all of my NSALE picks by category HERE.

xox Amanda

XO Amanda

NSALE 2022- Most Likely to Sell Out

From the Gram


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