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  1. Jaime

    I love reading and totally have the Red Queen on my GoodReads list. Can’t wait to read it now! I just got through Behind Closed Doors, The Couple Next Door and The Husband’s Secret and didn’t really love any of them. Ha!

    XO, Jaime RegallySoled.com

    1. Amanda Miller

      I haven’t read The Husband’s Secret yet so that is good to know! Have you read Behind Her Eyes? I think you would really like that one!

      I can’t wait for you to read Red Queen! Such a fun, quick book! I need to read the entire series now!
      xox Amanda

  2. jojo

    I love the storyline so much but some of the main characters start to get annoying throughout the other books. She developes other characters along the way that help add a different dynamic. The fourth book isn’t out until May though! (You got me excited so I had to double chec lol.)

    P.S. – LOVE that you’re open about liking this genre. I always felt embarrassed about still loving these types of books and never really liked to answer the “what are you reading?” question. I realized that they’re too fun not to read so I just started owning it and now all my friends are back to reading the genre, too. Hopefully this will inspire more people to read what they love!

    1. Amanda Miller

      Thanks for letting me know about the characters along the way. She does make them pretty immature but I guess you have to expect that when you read teen books haha!

      I guess I need to read the other two before May!

      Yeah I am never embarrassed about what I am reading! You shouldn’t be either! My younger sis and I have always been into teen fiction!

      xox Amanda

  3. Calli

    Read the first book a year or so ago & loved it! Wanted to wait for the rest of the series to come out before continuing. SO excited!!


Red Queen is VERY different from the book I read last week. See that review HERE.

Since I loved this book and think you guys should read it, I am NOT going to give away the ending.. or anything else I think you should find out for yourself!

red queen book review

RED QUEEN Book Review

I want to just start by saying this book is TEEN FANTASY/FICTION. If you don’t like teen fiction this book is not for you. Most of you know by now that I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I also loved Twilight and many other typical teen novels. I actually walk into the Teen Fantasy section looking for new books!!

If you haven’t tried teen fiction, you should! You are never too old for it. These books are great for a quick read and a good escape.

Red Queen is a novel with wars similar to those in Game of Thrones. You have Reds, Silvers, and Lakelanders. If you are a Red you are basically human (normal). If you are a Silver then you come with magical powers and bleed silver blood. All nobels are of Silver blood and all Silvers have different kinds of magical power. The Silvers send the Reds off to fight against the Lakelanders, so Reds are basically slaves of Silvers.

Marrow, the main character, is a Red. She is preparing to go off to war when she meets a stranger in town (Cal) that gets her a job with the King and Queen.

Something happens that causes Mare to be engaged to one of the princes (I don’t want to tell you what happened because it gives away most of the book.) Mare doesn’t want to be engaged to him, but she is trapped because the Royal Family is threatening her life and the life of her family.

Mare then joins the Scarlet Guard (a secret army made of Reds) to help fight against the Red way of life against the Silvers. No one knows she is in this secret army while she is engaged to the prince.

The book is a mix of a love triangle, rebellion, magic, and so much more! There is also a bad guy in the book and a twist ending!!

Red Queen is the first book of a SERIES and the fourth book just came out! I can’t wait to read #2!

Have you guys read Red Queen yet? Leave your own Red Queen book review below so others can see!

Next Up On My List:

The ONE Thing. This is a business book and I am going to apply what I learned towards my job! I will be providing so many great cliff notes for you guys!

Girl Last Seen

The Bear and the Nightingale

Buy these and read them with me so we can start conversations on these book reviews! Like a book club!!

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xox Amanda

XO Amanda
January 25, 2018 Articles

Red Queen Book Review

From the Gram


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