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  1. Brooklyn

    Love these blogging tips posts!! Keep them coming 🙂 at what point did you apply for rewardstyle?

    1. Amanda Miller

      I applied after I had been blogging for three months, but that was two and a half years ago so it was a lot easier to get in then I think!
      xoxo A

  2. Mackenzie Chiglo

    Tried and true advice! I find that when I wake up early before work to write a post, I tend to publish better content as well as finishing in a quicker amount of time. How long did you work full time/blog before you switched over to blogging full time?


    1. Amanda Miller

      I did my blog and full time job for two years before finally putting in notice! During that time I was working 15-16 hour days, hustling to get my blog where it needed to be in order to quit! Even then I was still very scared of course, but have not looked back and will never regret my decision! I think working for yourself and pursuing your dreams is a once in a life time thing. I also always knew I could find another job in finance if I needed to! Keep kicking butt and you will be there before you know it! xoxo A

  3. Tayler Malott

    Such great advice! I need to start doing this. I feel like it will make my life so much easier!


  4. betsy williams

    Love this! It really is so true that when you start your day productively you’re more likely to keep that going throughout the day and therefore be done earlier at night!!!! Works every time 🙂

  5. Kenya Denise

    I’m gonna try this and I’ll let you know!! My boyfriend doesn’t like when most of my time with him is spent on Instagram or on my computer!! It never was a problem when I was single but now I HAVE to make the most of my time with him!! Thanks Amanda 🙂

    1. Amanda Miller

      Yes! We can talk more about it this weekend too! xoxo A

  6. Cassie Rea

    YES! I have found this to be true with anything. When I prioritize my day it helps take so much pressure off and like you said, I am then able to not feel rushed all day long and actually enjoy my day. Great tip! Looking forward to reading the rest of these posts!
    XOXO, Cassie Rea

    1. Amanda Miller

      Thanks Cassie! And yes, I could see how it could apply for sure. I am such a procrastinator and I can definitely see that it adds so much stress! xoxo A

  7. Brandi Soileau

    Great idea! I noted this for when my blog kicks off this week! I am constantly wondering a “system” of IG posts/stories/blogs, etc. It can be all so overwhelming when you first jump in! Thanks for this; I look forward to more tips and tricks!

    1. Amanda Miller

      Awh yay! Good luck on your blog babe that is so exciting! xoxo A


Happy Tuesday guys!

I have a short Tuesday Talks for you today. I just wanted to make sure I put it on here since it has completely changed my life!

Blogging Tip #2- Write the Next Day’s Blog Post First Thing in the Morning

If you missed #1, make sure to see it HERE.

As I stated last week, these are not going to be in any kind of order. It really is more of a journal of things that have worked for me that I want you to know about too!

Writing my blog post for the next day first thing in the morning has seriously changed my life.

I know for most of us it is the longest/hardest thing we have to do each day. Yes, some of us LOVE to write, but that doesn’t keep it from being the most time-consuming task.

When I starting blogging full-time I thought it would mean I would be done by 5pm every night and have allll this time to spend with Troy. Definitely not the case.

I usually end up answering emails all day, running errands, shopping, doing try-on sessions, etc, and save my blog post for the very end. I push it back and back and get distracted and start doing other things and so on. Then, here comes 8pm and I STILL have a blog post to write. So Troy has to just sit by me for two hours while I work on my computer. That is NOT quality time guys!

For the last two weeks I have started waking up, grabbing cereal (Fruity Pebbles or Lucky Charms probably), making coffee, and sitting down to write my blog post for the next day.

I wish I could explain how life changing it really is. You just have to try it. When I hit ‘schedule’ I feel like my entire day is open. I sit there wondering what in the world I should do next. I no longer feel constantly busy the entire day with the weight of my blog post on my shoulders.

Troy was shocked the first day I tried it. After dinner he asked what all I needed to do for work and I said nothing. He seriously didn’t believe me!! It was so nice just being able to spend the entire night with him without thinking of work. I think we actually ended up walking across the street to a fun bar and playing bar games all night!

I know most of you guys probably have full time jobs and blog. I was right there will you until a few months ago. Doing your post first thing is not impossible to do, but probably a little harder for you. You will need to wake up an hour earlier and knock it out. Or, if you can usually get blog stuff done at work (like I could), make your blog post the first thing you do there. Just try to find some time in the morning or around lunchtime to get it done! You will feel so much better when you get home. I remember thinking I was always working when I had a full-time job and did my blog on the side because I would get home from work and then immediately jump on the computer to write my post. Not fun.

It just really is so stress-relieving to get it done first thing. It makes your entire day better!

If you want to get crazy with it, make a schedule and stick to it. Like 8-10am is blog post. 10-11am answer emails. 11-12 am work out and/or spend some time outside. ETC! It helps you be so more productive when you can stick to a schedule! I tried this, butttt it didn’t work for me because I get so distracted on Gchat haha! I did manage to stick to it for a few days and loved it!

I would LOVE for you to try writing your blog post first first thing in the morning and tell me what happens. Do you feel different, is your  day different? I would love to hear in a comment below!

PS, thanks to Kate from Lonestar Southern who gave me this amazing tip to begin with! I owe you lunch Kate!

*pin this image to your blogging tips board to help you remember!


xoxo Amanda

XO Amanda
May 23, 2017 Blogging Tips

Tuesday Talks- Productivity

From the Gram


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