I am trying to arrange these so that I can easily compare the first pregnancy with the second. I did a 22 week update with Miller (see THIS POST), so I thought it would be fun to do one with our baby boy!
Some key differences from that update to this one:
-no pooping problems with this pregnancy yet and I am not taking anything for it either
-still haven’t bought a pregnancy pillow but definitely need one now! I have been using my barefoot dreams lumbar pillow.
-definitely don’t have any nipple pain or sensitivity with baby 2.
-hormones have been much worse with baby 2. Multiple breakdowns a week for no reason. Do you follow goodnews_movement on Instagram? I cannot even look at it without bawling!
-no rib pain like I had with Miller since I am guessing that has already been stretched out from her.
-I definitely cannot fit into jeans or shorts unless they have an elastic waistband! Maternity clothes & flowy dresses for me the rest of the year!
See more below:
22 Weeks with Miller:

22 Weeks with Baby Boy:
22 Week Update
I will be 22 weeks on Monday. This second pregnancy is totally different already. I started feeling and looking super pregnant last week!
Baby boy is sitting really low and it is killing my tailbone. My dr. said it is because the second baby has to tear through a bunch of scarring from the first baby, so the ligaments will be a little more sore and those start at your tailbone then work around to your pelvic area. It hurts to sit and it hurts to stand and it is super sore by the end of the day. I started a few weeks ago, then went away for a couple of weeks, and now the pain has been back for a couple of days. I am sitting on a donut in the meantime and taking a little bit of tylenol here and there to help with the pain.
I went on a cruise when I was 23 weeks will Miller and I remember my back KILLING ME. I was in a bad car accident when I was younger and in result one of my legs is actually half an inch to an inch shorter than the other. You wouldn’t think this would affect much, but it does. When I start carrying the weight of baby in my stomach I can realllllly feel it in my back and I have to constantly realign. I haven’t had any back issues yet with this baby, but I also am not walking miles and miles like I was on our Baltic Sea Cruise! We will see if/when the back pain comes again.
I can definitely feel him kicking and moving around a bunch, but he is most active at night. That is when I can actually watch the kicks on the outside of my tummy. He was breech at my last appointment and I have a feeling he has done tons more summersaults since then.
I have SO MUCH ENERGY! If it weren’t for the growing belly and the tailbone pain I would probably forget at times I was pregnant! I feel like I have more energy now than I did before getting pregnant.
Dealing with some red bumps caused from what I think is the testosterone from baby boy. It isn’t too bad and I am hoping it is short lived. It isn’t helping that I am also dealing with a new, and much different climate than I am used to.
I definitely get short of breath easily here. We are 5,000 ft higher than we were in Dallas! How crazy is that? I am doing short walks and taking it easy when I need to. AND DRINKING TONSSSS OF WATER!
Doctor Plans
We need to find a doctor for both baby boy and for Miller very soon. We are going to focus on Miller this next week so we have somewhere to take her if she gets sick or anything and then we will focus on finding me a new obgyn. I know some people that live here that have had kids so I am going to trust in their advice and give their doctors a try. My next appt will be from 24-26 weeks when I will need to get the glucose test done.
We saw Dr Shruti Benjamin at Legacy Women’s Health (a division of Baylor) and WE ARE OBSESSED WITH HER. If you do not have an obgyn and live in Dallas she is the absolute BEST. Her office is literally right across the street from the labor and delivery unit at Baylor hospital. I cannot say enough good things about her. She is in her 30s and she is just super cool. She makes you feel so relaxed and comfortable and she is always so happy and upbeat. I cried when we had our last visit with her. She is irreplaceable. It is also who my sister sees. She delivered an amazing c section for Adria and an amazing vaginal delivery for me. We just LOVE her!
Baby Boy’s Name
We are kind of stuck here. We narrowed it down to Banks, Nash, and Pierson, but none of those really ‘stick’. I still find myself searching for boy names every night and trying new ones out in my head (that Troy usually ends up shutting down!) He keeps saying ‘it will come to us’, but I am not so sure. I never thought it would be this hard! Thank you to everyone who sent us in your favorite names. I will definitely let you know as soon as we have something picked out! For middle names we like to use family names, which would include Henry or Thomas. We will just have to see which works with the name we pick out before we settle on that one too.
Ordering Things/Registering for Baby Boy
We are going to register for this baby at Buy Buy Baby so that family and friends can get things for him if they want. That is where we registered the first time (see THIS POST) and had a great experience. Plus, their online system is soooo easy to use, which is very important now that we live out of state. We will do some sort of virtual shower or ZOOM shower that everyone can attend in light of recent times.
I have ordered some clothing items from Kyte Baby, Kate Quinn, H&M, Beaufort Bonnet Co, etc already for baby boy. Just clothes I see that I love. He has about ten items already. I also have tons of things saved for him on Pinterest and will share more once I buy more for him/once they come in!
Baby Moon/Travel Plans
Early August will be my final opportunity to travel (fly) and we realllly miss the beach. My parents have agreed to keep Miller if we decide to go. We are going to wait a few more weeks to see what the COVID situation looks at that time and make a decision then. It will be our last chance to take a trip together ALONE this year, so we are leaning towards going for it. We just aren’t sure where we would go yet! I will keep you updated as I know many of you are struggling to make the same decision.
Baby Boy’s Nursery
Both of our children were conceived in Maui, one of our favorite places in the world. We felt that a Hawaii themed nursery for baby boy was exactly what we needed. Yes, Hawaii definitely makes you think of surfing, the ocean, the beach, etc. But the Hawaiian way of life is so much more than that. We want to incorporate rainbows, happiness, and everything else that the aloha spirit of Hawaii embraces.
I have been getting tons of inspiration from Pinterest (see below), but since this is Hawaii themed specifically it will definitely have our own twist. So far we have a crib and a dresser and that is about it. We are going to focus on Miller’s Harry Potter room first and then slowly start pieces together baby boy’s room! He won’t actually be sleeping in his room until November-ish so we have some time! Right now his room is full of baby toys that we had for Miller. We need to find somewhere to store all of that, then get the wallpaper and rug down and then we can really get started!
I will be saving everything to THIS BOARD if you want to follow along!
I will give my next update a month from now and hopefully have a lot more to tell you and show you!
xox Amanda
I am having a baby boy in October who was also conceived in Hawaii (where we lived until a few weeks ago) and our nursery is also going to be Hawaii themed! Can’t wait to see what you do!
You should see a chiropractor or pelvic floor physical therapist. Pain might be common with pregnancy but isn’t normal. So exciting for your growing family!!
The Hawaii nursery theme is such a great idea. You can go so many directions with it!