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  1. Anett

    I love, love, love this outfit! That skirt is to die for and looks incredibly chic — and French! — with the leopard pumps.

  2. gabriella

    I love this outfit so much, you look stunning!



chicwish red tulip dress

Just because Christmas is over, doesn’t mean we should stop wearing red! I love how loud red is, and this skirt is no exception. This Chicwish red tulip dress is the perfect length for work, church, or play! I am still sick sick with a horrible cold (more on that in my previous post HERE)! I really hope it lightens up before New Year’s! What are your plans?

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leopard pumps, red skirt, black turtleneck red embellished skirt ,chicwish black tory burch purse black turtleneck, red skirt red tulip skirt from Chicwish, leopard pumps black quilted purse, Tory burch black purse black tory burch quilted purse

Photos By : DallaStyle

It doesn’t help that we are at the busiest time of the year at work. The end of each month is crazy for me, so when you add the end of the quarter on top of it you have a mad house! I can’t take off even if I wanted to. My poor colleauges had to hearing me blwing me nose every five minutes today. I think I went through an entire box of Kleenex!

The Outfit

Black Sweater: J Crew

Chicwish Red Tulip Skirt: Chicwish

Leopard Pumps: Nordstrom

Tory Burch Purse: Nordstrom

Earrings: Baublebar

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XO Amanda
December 30, 2015 Outfits

Red Tulip Skirt

From the Gram


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