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  1. Lisa

    You are SO incredible and I’m so happy for you!!! I love your blog (as you can probably tell by now), I love yout outfits, I love your writing, everything! You have so much dedication and passion and it really shows! AMAZING job!!


    1. Amanda Miller

      You are the SWEETEST!! That means so much bc I really put soo much time into it!! I appreciate all of your kind comments!
      xoxo Amanda

  2. Brooke

    You have a lot of amazing things going on…moving to full-time blogging, WOW girl and a possible move! Plus all that is going on with your family?! Sounds like life is great right now, so happy for you!

    Brooke | KBStyled

  3. Anna

    Amanda, this is seriously too cute! LOFT has had such a great collection this season (I love and also bought the tan wool skirt) and this dress is no exception! Just gorgeous! XO


  4. Cathy Williamson

    How cute are you in this adorable dress and boots? I am voting for Austin! I have two children living there, and it is such a great city! Very chill and laid back, plus lots to do! I just love the vibe! Anyway, you guys will know in your heart which place to go, or to stay put! Have a great day!!!

  5. Kenya Denise

    You will definitely be SO GOOD at full time blogging. I support it!! And if you move away, it just gives me a reason to visit you more often 😉 P.S. this look is so cute on you!

  6. Mrs Montana

    Keep your head up I had to wait 4 years and turn 30 until I got my perfect day. You still have time 🙂 not that I was patient, but def good to be sly about being impatient it makes the day so much better when you see a ring come out! Oh and I vote Austin!

  7. Amanda

    Such great news!! So amazing that you will be a full time blogger soon!! And your sister becoming a doctor – how great!! Lastly, I’ll def be keeping your other sister in my prayers that they both get custody of their precious baby!! 🙂
    Amanda | http://www.TheChambrayBunny.com

  8. Charlene

    Congratulations on making the move to full-time blogging, that is fantastic news! I recently discovered your blog and have become obsessed! I really appreciate that you share your blogging tips with all of us. I will keep your family in my thoughts with the upcoming hearing.

  9. Kaylah Burton

    Love the real talk girl, I’ve always been afraid to talk about personal stuff on my blog, but I think you gave me a push in the right direction.

    1. I HEAR YOU SISTER. Me and my boyfriend just celebrated our 5 year anniversary and don’t get my wrong I love being a bridesmaids but I mean….. COME ON. (lol)
    2. That’s amazing! You have totally been killing it on your blog and I know you can do it!
    8. Best of luck with your event at Loft! Just relax and enjoy it! – I sooo wish I could be there!
    Much Love,

  10. Maggie

    I own this dress and am literally obsessed! It’s so great. I actually had a post about it a few weeks ago 🙂


  11. Kimbo

    1) 9… Good grief! you must be a really great friend to so many!! I see this as a major compliment to you and your character.
    2) full time!!!! Amazing goal and I have NO doubts that you will be successful.
    3) I can’t even…
    4) no ring, no move. But my vote would be for ftw!
    5) major prayers!!!
    6) ahhh!!! Where?!? So exciting!!! Starts next fall?
    7) you’ll always need more time I your day… Full time or not!
    8) I want to come!!!! But I’m close to that no travel point… You’ll see.
    9) all your guest bloggers have been great and so cute!
    10) just don’t go all Kylie Jenner on us.
    11) it will be amazing! ? safe travels!

  12. Megan Wellborn

    I loved reading all your personal stuff. All I can say is WOW to all the above. I am so proud and happy for you. You deserve only the BEST, my love.

  13. Ally Fiesta

    I say move to Fort Worth since traffic is still heavy in Austin. As much as I enjoy visiting Austin the traffic and constant construction made it feel like a smaller version of Dallas construction on 635. Of course go where family is as well.

    I saw that you were going to be panelist, hope to make it out.

    1. Amanda Miller

      WOW, really? I hate traffic, esp 635 traffic! Thanks for the tip! I hope to see you at the conference <3
      xoxo A

  14. Amy Ann

    Congrats on being a full time blogger! That is so awesome. I loved reading more about you. This is such a fantastic look. LOFT is one of my go to stores. Hope you event is amazing! I know you will do so well.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. Amanda Miller

      thank you so much! I wish you lived here!! xoxo A

  15. Tanika Green

    I’m so excited for you. My dream is to blog full time!! Once you nail down the secrets on how to do it, I will be anxious to read!! 🙂

  16. Darcy

    Congrats on making the move to full time! That is so exciting! Keeping your family in my thoughts with the hearing!

  17. Dani Mendocha | Styled Variety

    Great post, the outfit is so perfect for fall! Congratulations on deciding to become a full-time blogger, it’s always a dream to do what you love for a living! 🙂

    Dani | http://www.styledvariety.com

  18. Lauren Spann

    yay that is so exciting!!! um well I would LOVE to keep you close, so I vote FTW, BUT I really think you would thrive in Austin. And about the cowboys, Iknow 🙁 maybe dez will be back sunday, though?
    Southern Elle Style


Sometimes, I just want to talk about what is going on in my life, and hopefully hear what is going on in yours. I love doing this periodically because I want this blog to be less of one way conversation and more of a discussion. I love love love hearing what you guys think! Keep reading to hear the my latest Miller musings and of course to read all about this amazing outfit!

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Photos By:Dallastyle
  1. This weekend I will be a bridesmaid for the ninth time and if I do the calculation I am expecting to be in at least three more weddings. It will only be my third time to be a Maid of Honor, and the other two times were both siblings. This one definitely has a special place in my heart because she is definitely my oldest and closest friend (we have been friends since Freshman year of high school, when I first moved to Bullard, TX). I think weddings are so much fun and I love love being by my friend’s side on their big day! I am definitely ready to have a wedding party of my own though. Maybe going to all of these weddings will finally made my boyfriend get a move on it. 😉 JK… but not really…
  2. Today I have finally started the first steps to blogging full-time. It may still be a few months out, but I now have a date and a goal in mind and I don’t think anything will get in my way. This news is so crazy to me. I never thought I could actually have a job doing something I completely, 100%, love. I hope to have your continued support through this journey! I am definitely scared, but ready to take the leap. Be looking out for an INSANE New Year’s resolution ;).
  3. How bout them Cowboys? But seriously, ew. That’s all.
  4. There have been talks of moving out of Dallas. Not serious talks, and it will not happen until next year.. but definite talks. We are thinking either Austin or Ft Worth. I have family in Ft Worth, and Troy has a best friend moving to Austin. What is your vote, and why?
  5. As you know, or have read in previous posts, my sister and brother-in-law became foster parents in March. They have fallen in love with their son and cannot imagine parting with him. Next Thursday there is a custody hearing in which the judge will determine if he will go to his grandparents. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. He will be two years old next month.
  6. In other news, my other sister (I am the middle child), just found out THIS MORNING that she got into med school! She is going to be a doctor!!!! So insane! I am so proud of her and definitely cried like a baby when I heard the news!! She wasn’t happy at all with her MCAT score (wouldn’t talk to us for a week after she got the results)… but in the end she was just being hard on herself! My mom is a medical physicist, so genius kind of runs in the family ;). It is weird to think now that my parents have two entrepreneurs (my blog and my sister started her own photography business that she now does full time) and one doctor. How did they get so lucky? 😉
  7. I had a webinar on holiday strategy today for bloggers. If only I had three more hours in every day (does anyone else feel that way)? I feel like I could make this blog so much better for you guys if I only had more time. That brings me back to #2 haha.
  8. Events coming up- 1. I am hosting an event at LOFT and it is about 25 minutes away from the city so there is a lot of pressure to get people out there. It is my first event and I want it to be huge, but dang I wish it was closer. If I can do this though, I feel like I can do anything! 2. I am co-hosting a Halloween party next Thursday in Mockingbird Station here in Dallas. Proceeds will go toward Breast Cancer Research. Please see my FB page for more details! 3. I will be a panelist at a blogging conference next Sunday. WHAAAAAT?! I am so so excited to finally be able to speak about what I share on here! I love sharing my success stories in hopes that new bloggers can find their own success. I am not even nervous about it! Tickets are still available! View my tagged posts on Instagram for details!
  9. I have been so fortunate to be surrounded by an amazing group of Dallas bloggers, and one of the bests is guest posting on the blog today, so make sure to give her some love!
  10. I am dying my hair, AGAIN, next Friday. Stay tuned because it definitely isn’t going to be blonde anymore!!
  11. Love you guys, have an amazing weekend and BE SAFE!

The Outfit:

Dress: LOFT (40% off)

*You could also pair this LOFT mock neck flippy dress with some hose or leggings and a black long sleeve for a night out*

Tunic: LOFT (only $25)

Socks: LOFT

Booties: Nordstrom

Purse: Kate Spade 

Lipstick: Bobbi Brown (Plum Gold)

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XO Amanda
October 22, 2015 Outfits

Miller’s Musings

From the Gram


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