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  1. Lisa

    Such a long way you’ve come since 2015. You’ve got amazing style and an AMAZING blog!!! I’m already purchasing so many things you’ve worn 😀

    Excited to see what is in store for you in 2016!

    Side note: I’ve tried to subscribe to your newsletter, but there’s an error 🙁


    1. Amanda Miller

      oh No! Thanks so much for letting me know! I will go ahead and add your email 🙂

      xoxo Amanda

  2. Veronica U

    This is such a gorgeous outfit!! Love it. Also, thank you for not spamming us with loop giveaways – I only follow bloggers I love and while I understand why many do it, I personally don’t enter those types of giveaways.

  3. Lee

    I LOVE your blog and your inspirational attitude. You definitely deserve all the good that came at ya in 2015!! <3

    Lee | LegalLee Blonde

  4. Barb Harris

    SO proud of you! You are A W E S O M E! Miss you so much and am so glad you are doing great 😉

  5. Maggie

    I’m so happy I found your blog and can’t wait to see what you do in 2016! You’re always so relatable and have great style 🙂


  6. gabriella

    Happy 2016! I’m so glad to hear you had such a wonderful 2015. ps. this outfit is on point. You look great!



2015 was one of the best years of my life, and I feel like it can only go up from here. I learned so much this year, and most of it was about myself. Do you ever feel like you are sitting at a park bench, just watching cars and people blur around you, but you remain still? That is how my life was before I met my boyfriend, and before I started blogging.

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Photos by DallaStyle

Some of my favorite blogging moments of 2015:

  1. NYFW: This trip was so much fun that I am going for the second time one month from now!!! If you want to learn how you can go, read my blog post on it HERE.
  2. My first big gift. This came from Henri Bendel. They emailed me and asked if they could gift me something. I couldn’t believe it. I gave them two choices, one less expensive and one more expensive. A large package arrived in the mail with BOTH bags!!! Such an incredible feeling.
  3. I reached 40k followers on Instagram. At first, I was getting thousands of followers a week because I would do those loop giveaways. I realized, in November, that it was getting me nowhere. I was getting tons of followers who weren’t following me for my style (if you are one of those that found me from a loop, then you are excluded)! In 2016 I will not be doing ANY Instagram loop giveaways. I want to gain my Instagram following naturally and organically.
  4. Two of my friends said that they had friends who have said they follow me and love my blog. You don’t realize how huge this is for a blogger. I may have 40k followers, but I wonder how many out of that are actually fans!! It is sooo refreshing to hear that there are actually people out there who read my blog and buy what I am posting!!!

I just want to thank you for sticking 2015 out with me! I hope my 2016 re-cap has just as many great memories on it!

The Outfit

Top: LOFT silk shirt (on sale less than $20)

Skirt: LOFT (sold out, but similar HERE, HERE and HERE)

Shoes: ASOS (sold out, but obsessed with THESE)

Lipstick: REVLON, Backstage

Purse: Nordstrom

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XO Amanda
January 12, 2016 Outfits

2015 in Review

From the Gram


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