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  1. Karlee

    This helped me so much! Thank you! My favorite part of blogging is finding places to take pictures.

  2. Emma Andree

    This is so helpful! I recently began my blog and have been having friends and my boyfriend take my photos with a Nikon I already owned, so I’m glad to hear that you’ve done that as well! Love your blog & seeing where your favorite Dallas spots are!

    xx, EA

  3. Elle Nel

    These are great tips! Photos can make or break a blog for some viewers so having great ones can set you apart.

    Have courage,
    Elle | http://www.elleword.com

  4. ellesees.blogspot.com

    Lightroom is on my list to try! i’m downloading it now! Love the tips 🙂

  5. Brooke Webb

    Great tips and I always love your backgrounds…these photos are just beautiful Amanda! ISO and shutter speed have been the most challenging for me to figure out as well, which is why I pay the professionals. Although I would love to be able to get my Hubby behind the camera much more often…it would save me so much money. Often times…the pictures that my Hubby takes come out blurry…any tips on how to correct this?

    Thanks Amanda!

    Brooke | KBStyled

  6. Mary

    This post – those pictures – that backdrop – that dress…..PERFECTION!!!


  7. Christina Beauchamp

    These are such FAB tips! You always find THE BEST backgrounds for your shoots! I need to work on that… This dress looks so fierce on you! Love it all!!

    xo, Christina

    Fitness & Frills

  8. Rachel Broas

    This is all so so true! I changed from a Canon t5 to a t6i and it is amazing so far!! Its still user friendly but has a little more features (it has internal wifi so the pictures automatically go to your phone- my favorite thing EVER). Lightroom is the best!!!!! I recently found the lightroom app and got so happy so fast, it was a game changer! Your pictures are amazing – so you, your boyfriend, and your sis are killing the game. Plus, you have the greatest backdrops ever!

  9. Cassandra

    Love this post! Thank you for the tips. They’re simple but really helpful. I’m hoping you can answer 2 questions… 1. How many outfits/looks do you shoot at once? and 2. How many times per week do you shoot? I’m really looking to up my blog game and it helps so much having other friendly bloggers that are willing to share their routines and info! I will definitely download lightroom. I didn’t realize it was so affordable! Love your blog!

    1. Amanda Miller

      Awh thank you Cassandra 🙂 I shoot once a week and I shoot 4 outfits at once and change in the car on the way to the next spot! Hope this helps!!!

  10. Caroline Ciener

    Awesome post! I definitely needed to read this because Im still working on perfecting my pictures!

  11. Victoria Norris

    This mural is KILLER! And you know how I love a good backdrop… 😉
    Also loving these photography tips! I think that’s definitely something I need to improve upon, so thanks for sharing!
    xx, Victoria

  12. Darcy

    These are great tips! luckily tyler already had a camera and knew how to work it! (I on the other hand, am still learning haha)

  13. Taylor McLemore

    I love all of these tips!!! I’m super new to blogging (as you know) and these are so helpful!! For the longest time I was so stressed about my pictures and then I finally splurged and got a camera, not a super super fancy one but a little Nikon Coolpix, it’s perfect for a beginner like me. I have a friend and my boyfriend that are all willing to help take photos of me and by trying to teach them what I want it helps me figure out certain things about my camera.

    As for your outfit….AMAZING and I love it as I love everything you wear!!!


  14. Adaleta

    I love all of your blogging tips posts! They are so good & so spot on in terms of the type of information we are all looking for && I just found out we have the same camera 😉 TWINS! && yes you are very lucky you have a boyfriend who is willing to drive around town and do that photography for you because I can barely get mine to take a picture of me with his iPhone LOL xx

  15. Carrie

    Wonderful tips, Amanda!
    Totally agree with them all…backgrounds are key and getting to know your camera (via the web!) are definitely MUSTS!
    The background in your photos in this post is AWESOME!! Wish we could find a cool wall like that around here…we keep searching!
    You look FABULOUS in that red dress too!
    CS Gems

  16. Amanda Ray

    These are great tips!! And I love Lightroom! I just started using it about 2 weeks ago and boy is it easy to edit!! Super cheap, too! Can’t beat that!
    P.S. You’re looking gorgeous! Love the background, too! <3

    Amanda | http://www.TheChambrayBunny.com

  17. Elle Spann

    I love love love this background, but haven’t done a shoot here. Deep Ellum is the best! Love your tips and lightroom thanks to you!;)
    Southern Elle Style

  18. Brooke Ellen

    I really like these tips! I think I am about to start taking some on my own because my friends are always so busy, but I have to get the remote and a new tripod.
    I also love the idea of searching my city and maybe even trying lightroom. I’ve used iPhoto and photoshop for the longest.


  19. Rachel

    I love your blogging tips! Definitely checking out Lightroom!

  20. Samantha

    Seriously we were so on the same page today hahaha love it, great advice! 🙂

  21. Hi Tea Style

    Great tips and photos! Love that dress, you look amazing! That background is perfect with that dress!

  22. Valery Brennan

    Love your tips! I definitely need to be better about finding awesome backdrops, your photos are always fab! xoxo

  23. Trina

    Great tips, I try to take good photos but mine never turn out right, so I never post my outfits I wear. I will take your tips and test it out thanks alot:)

  24. CS Gems

    Great post Amanda! Couldn’t agree with you more. Love the background in these photos! Love your posts that help out bloggers!
    Carrie and Stacy
    CS Gems

  25. Jillleffler

    I love the red dress! I also love any way to save money. The pictures look great.


When starting out, bloggers are spending way more than they are making. I was lucky enough to have a sister that is a professional photographer, so it really cut down on my costs. People have lives though, and her distance and schedule were both just too hard to work around. My boyfriend and I decided to just buy our own and figure things out from there! Here are some great photography tips to get the same photo quality I have without spending hundreds on a photographer.

1. Buy your own camera. I have a Canon T5i and every time we use it we are getting better and better at taking photos with it. We just had to learn a little about it (via Google). You can also get a tripod for the times when you can’t find someone to take it! There is a remote you can get so that you can just click a button from far away and the camera will take the picture! iPhone photos are good and all… but having this camera can also up your Instagram game!

2. Find someone to take your photos. Do you have a friend that is trying to learn photography? I am sure they would love to take your photos for you. I am lucky enough to have a boyfriend that wants to be a part of this crazy ride I am on. We drive around Dallas looking for great spots so he also likes that we get to explore the city.

3. Work the angles. Once you get a camera and find someone to take your photos, you will start getting familiar with your best angles. I like shots head on, but T likes to take shots at an angle. This allows me to have a variety of great shots!

4. Find great backgrounds. Backgrounds MAKE or break your shot. Your outfit can only be as chic as what is behind it. You can’t wear a glamorous dress and be taking photos walking down the street in a neighborhood. That is just my belief (feel free to disagree). It is so easy to drive around and find some vines or a cool mural.

5. Learn your camera. There are so many youtube videos and tutorials available for whatever camera you are using. We first had a really hard time getting to know ISO and shutter speed. Eventually, T read that you can just put it on auto and the camera takes care of it for you. You can also put it on sports mode when jumping or running. Then, I can just go in and edit the lighting on my computer, which brings me to the next step!

6. Know when to shoot. Shooting in the middle of the day is extremely difficult. Shooting in direct sun never works. You need to wait until the golden hour. Look up to see when the sunrise or sunset time is in your city, and shoot right around that time. If you do have to shoot in the middle of the day, make sure you find shade for your photos!

7. Download Lightroom. After you have the photos, don’t just put them from the camera to your website. They need to be edited. Lightroom is super easy to use, and there are tons of tutorials online. I increase the exposure to make it nice and bright, and then increase the contrast some. I also sometimes mess with the vibrance to make the colors really pop.  These are three easy things that can make a HUGE difference in the quality of your photos. IT’S ONLY $8 per month and can help you gain hundreds in sponsorships.

Hope this helps! I will definitely answer any questions you have and would love to hear how this improves your photos and ultimately your blog! Of course, we are amateurs trying to take great photos, so these photography tips are my own. If you are a professional and do not agree, please comment below with some tips! We can all use them. This is just what I have been doing, and it has been working for me!

The Outfit:

Dress: Topshop (comes in 3 colors!)

Sunglasses: Karen Walker

Purse: Henri Bendel s/o (similar here)

Shoes: ASOS s/o (similar here and here)

Earrings: Baublebar

Bracelet: Nordstrom

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XO Amanda
August 4, 2015 Blogging Tips

Photography Tips for New Bloggers

From the Gram


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