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  1. Brooke Ellen

    You look FABULOUS!!! That skirt is so unique and fun!!


  2. Alyssa Renee

    Very cute Holiday look! Love the bow! =)

    Shop My New Online Store Below! =)

  3. Brenda

    We are changing tradition this year! We will spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Dallas this year with our daughters, son-in-law and fur babies! We will be eating out both days! No cooking for me! Tra la la for me! I have been thinking about what to wear and the verdict is still out! I do know one thing I will wear is a long sweater that you recommended on themilleraffect.com I love it!

    1. Amanda Miller

      sooo glad you love it Brenda! That sounds like a great Christmas!! Enjoy the time with your family and fur babies!! <3 xoxo A

  4. Jaime

    This is SUCH an awesome holiday outfit! I love the plaid with the crisp white shirt and that demure bow. Wrapped up like a present for sure!

    XO, Jaime | RegallySoled.com


I don’t know about you, my my family lays around in pjs all day on Christmas. Some of you will be a little more formal. When I think of what to wear for a holiday event (even Christmas) I think of plaid. When I saw this plaid Kate Spade skirt I had to have it! I have already worn it to work twice and to a couple holiday events! I love it paired with black or white and the gold slippers just add a more dramatic Christmas effect!

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Photos by DallaStyle

On Christmas day we wake up and immediately go straight to our stockings. It is a tradition in our family that our stockings be over the top! We usually have our Christmas list nailed down was in advance, so we always know what we are going to open on Christmas Eve, but our stockings are a mystery! We usually find cool knick-knacks, jewelry, makeup, etc. My dad always stuffs a few scratch offs in there and then oranges and chocolate fill the bottom.

After stockings we just sit around and chat while we play with our new presents. My dad always gives us board games each year, so we spend Christmas pulling them out and playing each other! We are a pretty competitive family! My mom spends the day cooking and baking and she and my dad are the most amazing cooks! One of the main reasons I love going home for Christmas (aside from getting to spend time with my family) is that I get to eat amazing food constantly!

My older sister is a new foster parent to a two month old, and my little sister just got accepted into medical school, so I am so excited to celebrate all the amazing things happening in their lives!

What will you be wearing this Christmas? What are your traditions?

The Outfit:

Skirt: Kate Spade

Shoes: Kate Spade (less expensive option HERE)

White Top: LOFT

Neck Tie: Express

Bracelet: Baublebar

Ring: Nordstrom

Earrings: Nordstrom

Lipstick: Bobbi Brown


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XO Amanda
December 9, 2015 Outfits

What to Wear on Christmas

From the Gram


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