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  1. New York Fashion Week – Day 1 | The Miller Affect

    […] PURSES and Yosi Samra gave us free flats! I’ve always loved Gigi NY. If you look here and here you will see some posts of my favorite Gigi clutch! I also go to meet one of my favorite bloggers, […]

  2. What's New With Amanda Miller + Link-Up | The Miller Affect

    […] As stated in my Multi-Tasking and Spring Cleaning posts, it is important to get organized. I definitely make time for friends and […]

  3. Spring Cleaning – Getting Organized | The Miller Affect

    […] those of us with full-time jobs as well as blogging, you cannot afford to do this. As stated in my Spring Multi-Tasking post, multi-tasking and stress actually damages your brain. Spring cleaning blog tip: make sure […]

  4. Baublebar Sale + Link Up | The Miller Affect

    […] have my usualy weekly Link-Up going on below! The last one I did was actually last Thursday in my Spring Multi-Tasking post, but we are going to definitely start doing them every Wednesday from now on! xoxo […]

    1. Amanda Miller

      Thank you so much Alyssa!! Xoxo A

  5. ellesees.blogspot.com

    i am not a good multi-tasker at all, so i’m glad to see that area might be a strength for me, hehe! love the dress. happy may day!

  6. Whitney

    I love this dress on you!! You look absolutely stunning! I do multi-task, but I agree that focusing on one thing will be done much more efficient!


  7. Elena Michelle

    Amanda! I really love this post. Such simple advice that we never take!! Plus you look absolutely gorgeous. Such a cute photoshoot and dress.

    xoxo, Elena Michelle

  8. Kelssey Layton

    I absolutely love this dress! The colors are to die for! xox

  9. Brenda

    Amanda, this post is brilliant! I definitely need to start spending more time with my honey. He actually made me write him into my calendar for this and next week (funny / not funny)! I definitely don’t see my friends as much as I used to, but that tends to happen when people get paired off and start making families. This used to stress me out with guilt, but now I make sure I schedule time with friends and spend quality time when we meet…like giving them free style makeovers 🙂

    You look stunning in this shoot! Love the dress with the white sandals. I need some white shoes really bad!

    à la Plage style

  10. Mary

    Ok – you are adorable. 1) love your photos, 2) that dress looks amazing on you – so flattering! 3) that clutch!!! Love it all!

  11. Brooke Webb

    Great tips friend! I have always taken pride in being able to multi-task and it has driven me bonkers at times that my Hubby cannot multi-task but all in all, I do think he is more productive than I am haha! So…guessing I need to start focusing on one thing at a time!

    Love your look too, you always look polished, put-together, and beautiful!

    Brooke | http://www.kbstyled.com

  12. Karen

    Great dress… I need to find myself a beautiful floral dress! The weather is just starting to be warmer here in Cleveland, so I will need something fresh and fabulous for those warm days! xx http://www.GlamKaren.com


Spring Adrianna Papell Floral Dress

How many of you find yourselves trying to catch up with life every time Spring comes around? Whether it is with work, friends, relationships, events, or fashion, I always seem to be multi-tasking. I never seem to be able to catch up!

Adrianna Papell Floral DressWhite Gigi New York ClutchSpringtime Dress, Floral DressFloral Dress, Adrianna Papell Dress, Nordstrom Dress

Photos By: Adria Lea Photography

Did you know that recent studies (here is one study from Forbes) have shown that multi-tasking is actually very inefficient and can actually do way more damage than good? I don’t know about you, but I had ‘great at multi-tasking’ on every resume I ever sent out. When your mind is going 100 miles a minute and you are doing tons of different things at the same time you send stress sensors to your brain which actually tires you out faster and makes you lose focus (room for error). When you focus on one thing at a time you are much more efficient and productive! How does this apply to Spring <read below>?


Single? Try dating one person at a time. Spending more time getting to know them at a deeper lever won’t leave you with the ‘what ifs’ at the end.

Taken? Carve out some uninterrupted time every night for you and your honey. Whether its an hour or 30 minutes, you will bond more in that short time then you will hanging out for 3 hours but working on different things during that time.


So many events take place in the springtime! Between wedding season, crawfish boils, the Derby, etc, you can really be strapped for time (and money). You will find that you can do much better networking & grow much more in your friendships when you focus all your attention on only one event a week. This especially applies when your friends are getting married, having a baby, or a throwing a birthday party. FOCUS on them! At this point in your life you have met the friends that will be there until the end. Haven’t you heard the song, “Too Many Parties and Too Many Pals” from Hank Williams? I struggle with this the most. I get so bogged down in what is going on in my life and making sure I am at all the right parties that my friendships seriously start to struggle. Lucky for me, we are so close that I can see them once a month and make up for lost time. I still never feel good about it in the end though.


Spring can get EXPENSIVE. Find an amazing floral dress, like this on here from Adrianna Papell, that you can wear to pretty much any event! I have worn this to a baby shower, wedding, and a fashion meet and greet already this Spring! Focus on a few Spring staples and mix and match them all Spring long so that you don’t find yourself buying something new for each fling.


Work is crazy for me right now. I am a treasury analyst and we are going through some wild changes. I am used to doing so many things at once and so fast that I am now finding myself making mistakes and it is definitely hurting my productivity! I now focus on one thing at a time and notice that I actually get through it much faster and with far fewer errors! Try this and you will see your work/life balance improving dramatically!

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XO Amanda
April 30, 2015 Outfits

spring multi-tasking + link-up

From the Gram


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