19 Week Bumpdate
How cute is Miller looking in this dress? I was sooo surprised at the bump! Still surprised every day :). Sometimes by the end of the day my belly feels soooo stretched out and if you poke it it feels so hard. At those times I can’t believe it will get even bigger!
I am feeling SO AMAZING! No sickness and my full appetite is back. I am definitely having a harder time sleeping and am finding it extremely difficult not to lay on my back :/ I need to grab a pregnancy pillow asap, but I am going on a few trips in the next couple of months and don’t want to be dependent on it.
Pooping is a constant struggle, haha! Sorry if that is way too much information! My sister keeps telling me I need to buy a squatty potty so that it going to be in my cart with the pregnancy pillow. I think I can go about once a week now (used to be every day!) It is crazy how much my bump shrinks back down too after a good poop day!! Now whenever my belly is really big Troy will just say, “You just need to poop!”
Oh yall… boobs are getting MASSIVE. None of my bras fit. They are so uncomfortable. I need to go ahead and go into the store to get measured for more but won’t they just keep getting bigger? How do you prepare for that?
I officially can’t wear my pants anymore. They won’t zip. If they are button ups I can’t get the top two buttons closed. If I do manage to zip and button it looks like I have a giant fupa. So I guess I just wear dresses and tights from here? I am also looking into some maternity shorts. I always do a front tuck in all of my pants and shorts so it will be really weird not doing that anymore!
I still haven’t started working out. I reallllly need to because I will be doing a lot of walking/hiking on the trips I have coming up. I just can’t make myself do it! I was thinking stair master and elliptical would be the best for getting in endurance shape at this point.I don’t know if it would be safe to start jogging after it has been so long (since January.) What do you guys think?
I have felt Miller move around a few times inside my belly, but definitely haven’t felt any kicks or movement on the outside of my stomach. That may be another month or so.
My next appt is in two weeks for my anatomy scan. How crazy is it that I haven’t actually had a sonogram since I was 6 weeks pregnant!? We can’t wait to see her!!!!!

Travel Plans Next Week:
Right now I am in Omaha and head back tomorrow afternoon. I then just have a shoot on Thursday with my sis and NOTHING else planned for the weekend (YAY!)
On Monday Troy and I are heading out to San Francisco. I have been working on something fun and new with Google that has come to a close. They are flying some of us out there to talk about it and discuss next steps! Excited to meet the other girls in the group (some of them I already know!)
It is a super quick trip. We land Monday morning and come back Wednesday morning. I will mostly be with Google the entire time so Troy will just be wondering around SF doing some exploring. We have both been there a couple of times!
I will keep you update and hopefully do some stories while I am touring Google!
The Outfit:
This non-maternity dress from Ann Taylor is soooo gorgeous for work! Fits so great and I love the bow at the waist! It is currently on sale for 50% off! I linked some of my other favorite work dresses below too!
What I am wearing:
More dresses I love:
Photos by Adria Lea
xox Amanda
I LOVE that you are doing wedding-themed posts this month. I am not sure if you have done one before, but have you ever written one about engagement photo outfit ideas by season? My fiance and I are doing our engagement photos this fall for our spring wedding and I have no idea what to wear. I am thinking a dress, and then a sweater/jean outfit to show both of our personalities.
Ah I haven’t but I do have my engagement photos posted here: http://themilleraffect.com/engagement-photos/ ! We took these in the fall! xoxo Amanda
With pregnancy, your ligaments change and running may be hard on those lax ligaments. The elliptical trainer and power walking are safe bets. You look great!!
Thanks babe! Yeah I am not much of a runner anyway haha! xox Amanda
If you haven’t been exercising regularly, now (while pregnant) is not a good time to start. Walking is fine and safe! Just eat healthy, you’ll be good without the exercise!
ok thank you so much! A
You look amazing! Loft maternity shorts are awesome! Just ordered 2 pairs and they are true to size.
You are seriously the CUTEST preggo EVA!! Sorry you’re having a hard time in the poop dept. Not being able to poop is AWFUL and like the Mama above pointed out, it does get worse. My doc told me it was safe to take colace throughout both of my pregnancies and it really was SO helpful in keeping things soft and easier to pass down there. Praying for you and Miller and hopefully you’ll be able to find some relief in in the bathroom😊
My doctor advised me of the same; she said taking stool softener for 9 months just fine. And I am taking calcium supplement with Magnesium in it, it helps too.
Ask your doc for prenatals with built in stool softener. It will change your life!
That dress is amazing!!
I bought my pregnancy pillow on a whim at Target and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Used it for all three pregnancies and afterwards for nursing.
The boobs get massive – at least mind did! I was/am an ‘A’ and ended up a comfortable ‘C’…. I would go to a maternity store to be measured – those ladies usually have a pretty good idea of what will work for now and later.
For exercise – talk to your ob. I’ve always been a runner so I ran as long as I could with each babe. You should be good on the elliptical and exercising now will pay off big time when it comes to labor and delivery.
You are so stinkin’ cute!!! Love the bump. Unfortunately, the poop thing just gets worse and worse (it sucks majorly). The snoogle is a LIFE CHANGER! It’s totally worth the $60. I sleep with it every night and it’s the most amazing thing ever. Have fun in SF!
Thanks babe! miss you!! Googling snoogle now haha! xox A