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  1. Maple Holistics

    There are many great products that can help with you hair which is great.

  2. Susan McKnight

    You are putting WWWAAAAYYYY too much time, effort, and money into your hair, not to mention those harmful chemicals. I have naturally curly hair and hated it growing up. However, over 10 years ago I discovered Ouidad products and began going to a Ouidad salon a few years later. You should have a consultation at a Ouidad salon (I’m sure there’s one in Dallas) and see what they can do for you. My morning routine is so short, I can go from turning off the alarm clock to out the front door in less than an hour…and that includes breakfast!

    1. Amanda Miller

      Do you wear your hair curly then? Amanda

  3. Nancy

    Your keratin should be lasting a minimum of 3 months unless you are getting a Keratin Express treatment…which indeed lasts only about half as long (but costs half as much).
    If you use shampoo/products with no sulfates AND no sodium chloride (including beachy salt spray)…salt dissolves the keratin… and if you keep your heat setting on medium instead of high, it should last much longer.
    I think the Aveda products have neither sulfates nor salt but am not 100% sure.
    My hair looks just like yours but because I follow these rules my keratin usually lasts for 3-4 months depending on the roots.

  4. Anonymous

    Amanda, great post!

    I have crazy curly hair very similar to yours and I get the Brazilian blow outs as well. Are all of these products Brazilian blow out safe/sulfate free? Do you have a preferred shampoo and cond?




I am partnering with Nordstrom today to finally share which Aveda products I use to get my hair smooth and straight!

Most of you know by now (if you watch my Instagram Stories) that my hair is unruly and out of control! It has always been super curly and if I don’t do something about it right after the shower I have to wash it again and start over. Here are a couple of old pics from high school to prove the curliness:

A lot of you want me to wear it natural. I haven’t worn it natural since high school and don’t plan on doing it any time soon. I think curly hair on other people is GORGEOUS! Mine just isn’t. Plus, I have been getting Brazilian Blowouts since the age of 19 and when it starts to grow out the roots are curly and ends are pretty straight. So it just doesn’t look good. I would have to chop it all off to go completely natural again. Plus. I like it straight more anyway. To each his own, right? Don’t we always want what we can’t have? I haven’t met many people in my life that are content with their hair.

Brazilian Blowouts last about 1 1/2 months for me before the roots start curling again and you can only get them done every three months. Plus, you cannot get them while pregnant. The chemicals are pretty toxic when you breathe them in. You MAY be able to do a Keratin treatment (check with your dr.) but those only last a couple of weeks on my hair= not worth the money.

the miller affect giving her hair tutorial

the miller affect sharing her favorite aveda hair products from nordstrom
the miller affect gets her hair done at Tangerine Salon Dallas
the miller affect wearing a boden swipe sweater from nordstrom
the miller affect wearing agolde parker jean shorts from nordstrom
the miller affect sharing her favorite hair care products from Nordstrom
the miller affect showing you how to get your hair from curly to straight

How to Get Your Hair from Curly and Frizzy to Smooth and Straight

It will seem like there are a lot of steps to this AND a lot of products to use, but it actually only takes me around 20 minutes (that depends on how much hair you have and how thick it is.)

1.Use your favorite Shampoo and Conditioner. I am actually extremely low maintenance when it comes to shampoo and conditioner. I use what I like and just like to buy a variety (smooth and straight, moisturizing, damage repair, and volumizing) of that brand.

2.Do not towel dry. Using your towel to dry your hair causes friction between the towel and hair follicles= frizz. Air dry if you can. If not, move on to step 3.

3.Put a little of the Aveda damage repair Daily Hair Repair and a little of the Aveda smooth infusion style-prep smoother into the palm of your hand and mix them together. Then apply to your hair (everywhere). The Damage Repair will help with the damage caused by the blow dryer and curling wand. Plus it does wonders for your split ends! The Smooth Infusion will keep your hair frizz free and will also help lock in your curls. My stylist Marshall at Tangerine Salon has been using these products on my hair from the beginning. I have gone through a few of each of these bottles. I love them and they really help my hair hold my curls in place for days! They also keep my hair shiny and smooth.

4.Now blow dry the ends. I found if you blow dry the ends for a little bit before you start it will cut your drying time in half since they seem to take the longest to dry.

5.Section off your hair and use a roundbrush to dry each section STRAIGHT. Go one section at a time. I start at the bottom and work my way to the top. Make sure to start the rounbrush at the roots. The roots dry the fastest and curl the most.

  • I use this T3 Cura Luxe Hairdryer. It is amazzzzzing. I don’t know how it does it, but it adds volume to my hair. Plus, it turns off when you set it down and on when you pick it up. How cool is that!? You can read more about it here. It also controls frizz and locks in shine.
  • I also use a round hair brush with boar bristles. It is the ONLY thing that works for me. Here is an example of a great brush, but you can also sometimes find them at a local drugstore. The Boar Bristles are key for curly hair. They hold your hair tighter as you roundbrush allowing the results to be straighter, smoother hair.

6.Once my hair is dry I part it in two sections (top and bottom) and clip up the one I am not working on. I then curl it with my T3 Wand (1.25 – 0.75 inch tapered barrel). This wand creates the tousled waves that I love so much. I use it every single time I am curling  my hair. T3 also makes all different sizes in the wand and different styles depending on what you like using for your hair. If you are straightening your hair, use the T3 SinglePass Luxe Straightening & Styling Iron. the 1″ plate helps you get close to your roots for those curls you missed while blow drying.

You are now done! I will try to do a tutorial and save it on my highlights so you can get a visual!

the miller affect sharing her favorite aveda products

the miller affect using t3 products on her hair
the miller affect sharing How to Get Your Hair from Curly and Frizzy to Smooth and Straight
the miller affect using a t3 curling wand

If you plan on wearing your hair curled for a couple of days like me, pick up the Aveda Texture Tonic. Spray it on the ends on day two and scrunch up your hair for a texture beach look. If you want to do an updo with your curls you can also spray the texture tonic before you backcomb!

Another product from Aveda I love: Volumizing Tonic (I spray this in my roots before I blow dry to add volume!)

Everything I use to style my hair can be found in Nordstrom’s Beauty department. I love buying my hair and beauty products from Nordstrom because they come fast with free shipping! Plus, if I try a new product and don’t love it I can return it and they will help me find something I will like more! You really can’t beat that!

See my latest Nordstrom Beauty posts below:

Long Lasting Makeup Products to Get You Through Summer

Favorite Contouring Products

See all of the Aveda products available now at Nordstrom HERE.

I have been going to Tangerine Salon in Dallas for around 5-6 years now. I see Marshall Hatley (who is also the stylist for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and can be seen regularly on the DCC Show!) Love him! He does a great job with cuts, styling (he styled my wedding updo so that I would have pictures to show the people in Canada), and color.

Tangerine is also an Aveda salon, so I have been using Aveda products for as long as I can remember!

Make sure to tag me or DM once you try these products and steps! Can’t wait to see your smooth, straight, shiny hair!!!

The Outfit:

Boden Sweater (comes in three colors & reallllly love the grey!)

Parker Jeans


xox Amanda

Photos by Adria Lea

*This post is sponsored by Nordstrom. All products were purchased and reviewed by me for years before this post. All opinions are 100% my own.

XO Amanda
June 14, 2018 Beauty

How to Get Your Hair from Curly and Frizzy to Smooth and Straight

From the Gram


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